No unicorns required.

Shooting families well is not just talent or luck. It’s not about perfect clients with perfectly behaved kids, perfect homes, or even perfect trust in what you do.


You don’t need to shoot dozens of sessions before you can make the images you see in your head, and you don’t need to burn yourself out with trial and error to improve your work.

  • What you do need is a system. A  framework. 

  • A way to direct + run a session that gives you fabulous results every time but DOESN'T squash your creativity + make you wanna poke your eyeballs out cause every session feels the same. 

Everything I learned about family photography when I started shooting families either felt too magical with no application or too specific to apply to the variety of families + locations I was working with. 


When I finally pieced it all together and implemented it into my sessions my work got better, fast–and I was more creative than ever. Say whaaa?

And it's not just me. 

This framework + course is a mix of the practical + the magical that photographers have used to transform their images – I mean, check out these before + afters:

Here’s Erinne, who couldn’t believe how much she grew over the few months of taking the course:

And Steve +  Tori, a husband and wife team: 

And Hannah, who says this course is the best thing she’s done for her business this year: 

And Cassidy, who shifted from traditional families outdoors to candid families at home:

This is the single best thing I did for my business this year. I have taken photography courses in the past and this is the one that actually changed my work for the better.


- Hannah

Most photographers teach you how to shoot like them. I want to teach you how to shoot like YOU. 

The BEFOREs aren’t glaringly bad–but see how these photographers go from generic to having something distinct to say?


The point is, you can do this too, boo. In your own, unique, gorgeous way that may look nothing like mine, but the framework will give you the practical how-to of running a shoot + troubleshooting, plus honing in on your own secret sauce to make your family work what you want it to be.

In this course, we'll cover:


    For shooting families that applies to ANY family, any location with zero burnout


    of shooting "lifestyle" families--where to start + end so you get the best results + never have those "oh gawsh what should we do next" deer-in-the-headlights moments


    games, tips, tricks, + antics I use at every shoot to win kids over, inspire the artist within + make the session fun


    at a shoot


    That are completely authentic and individualized to each family


    and totally gorgeous--this is huge!


    So you can walk into any home ready to rock it


    with fast moving kids + dark houses--if you're not a film photog, no worries! this is just a section of the course.


    to use over + over + customize to every family's unique personality


    Crying kids, mad dads, helicopter moms--how to deal with nightmare situations + create great photos anyway



    during a shoot, plus fixing it will dramatically increase your satisfaction with your own work


    Honing your voice so you walk into every shoot confident you can make magic


    with a candid feel


    that has the power to take your work from mediocre to show-stopping


    so everyone's eating outta the palm of your hand



The how-to is only half the puzzle.

You don't need another PDF to read + forget, never to really apply it to your work. ​

  • So in addition to the course itself,  you also get access to 30+ recorded mentoring sessions with image reviews + Q +A. Not required to get results, but there if you want to go deeper.​

  • Instead of this being another piece of education you buy but never get around to finishing, I created this to be the Netflix of family photography education. Hello, confidence + unique work!​

The course includes:

Video explanations of every game, pose, and go-to​

Downloadable PDFs for every aspect of the framework, broken up into digestible bites

Light study video walking through a home and discussing how I use light, what I’m looking for, how light behaves indoors, where I’d shoot and how I manage challenges like dark rooms + distracting backgrounds

Facebook group to connect with like-minded artists (the referrals and collabs that come out of the group are insane!)​, ask any lingering questions,+ get individual feedback on your work from Brooke. 

Lifetime access to the course, so you can go at your own pace​ and refer back to the course again and again.

33+ coaching calls with image reviews + every question under the sun answered it's like the Netflix of lifestyle family photography. dig in. :) ​want individual feedback on your work from me? post in the facebook group and come to the pay in full bonus calls!

BONUS: Photographing teens + adult children with Jonathan Canlas

I'm bringing you my mentor, founder of The Find Lab and Film is Not Dead, veteran photog Jonathan Canlas to walk you through how to photograph teens + adult children in a family session--the not-boring way. He breaks down how to loosen them up, showcase their personalities, and how to walk the line between being a service provider (giving clients what they want) and being an artist (photographing the way you want.)

Videos of me culling + editing family sessions ​

How to spot the showstopper photos and clear out the 'meh' to make way for the 'wow.' My editing process is ultra simple since I shoot film, but I share all the little tweaks that make a big difference!


“I was worried that I was going to feel inferior to what was being taught.

But instead it gave me a lot of confidence and tools for my tool belt. I seriously loved everything.  I loved most when you showed us two photo shoots like we were following you around.

It was good to see your methods in action! 

If you want to shoot any families and get to the bottom of any of your weaknesses, take this course!

Well worth the money and time.”


- Cassidy


Here's the part where I hush up + let peeps who have been in your shoes tell how the course changed things for them.

You really need to hear the words of the people who have been where you are, wondering if this thing is right for them.

Here are some reviews from the online course.

“My biggest fear in buying the course was that I wouldn’t have enough “practical” things to use during shoots, but that went away fairly quickly as I went through the course material.


I gained so much more than I expected, and found the confidence to try new things and direct a shoot more to tell my story of family. If you need the confidence to start truly thinking of yourself as an artist, you NEED to take this course!


Thank you so much, Brooke, for sharing all your knowledge and your heart with us. I’ve taken quite a few photography courses, and yours has left an impression on me unlike the others- I think it’s because, for the first time, I’m actually starting to think of myself as a real artist, instead of someone who takes photos because it’s fun. I’ve become more intentional, more vulnerable, and grown over these quick few months… so thank you, again.”





I worried that it would have been another course which focused mainly on the “theory” behind family photography but not so much on the practical side. Many great courses out there but not many of them focus on the actual true challenges of photographing families and the very old dilemma of closing the gap between what you want to shoot and your client’s expectations. 


If you’re looking for real, practical advice on how to overcome the most common family photography challenges as well as inject your work with new life and your own unique perspective as a photographer this course is for you. I found the course very inspirational as well as truly helpful. It’s clear you’ve put your heart into it and it shows.

The format is also quite unique as well as the approach. It’s an interesting mix of inspiration and theory and very practical advice and tips. It’s very special in that sense and probably the first course I have taken of this kind. I thought it was definitely worth the money spent on it.”




“I guess my biggest worry was that the information wouldn’t be useful or practical for use with clients. Instead, I felt like the entire course was designed for working photographers, keeping client expectations in mind.

I would say the most refreshing thing was how transparent Brooke was about her process from initial planning to editing and sharing complete final galleries. She shared her struggles when things didn’t go perfectly and how she overcame any issues that arose.


The Facebook group is a huuuge bonus to the already amazing content.

It was super awesome getting real time advice from Brooke and interacting with other photographers in the same boat. It’s been great to follow the journeys of other course-mates as well! Get it. Now.

So much amazing information about how to become the photographer you have always wanted to be.


The course taught me more about myself and my own voice than how to emulate someone else, which honestly was a huge shift from other online workshops I’ve done in the past. I also feel like it gave me permission to create the work I wanted to create.”




" I was afraid the course wouldn’t really help me direct during my inhome sessions better because I always thought if I gave too much direction it would look posed and unnatural. But this did not come true! The tips and tricks for directing changed everything!! I was always just hoping and waiting for the exploding funny happy moment and now I know how to make it happen! It really brings my photos to life. This is a game changer! Do it! It seriously made me fall in love with this art again.”


- Tori



“This is the single best thing I did for my business this year. I have taken a couple of family photography courses in years past and this is the one that actually CHANGED my photography for the BETTER. I go into every session seeing things differently – I don’t know how to explain it, ha! It’s like I walk into the room and see the opportunities created by the light, then use Brooke’s tricks/games/tips to make it happen.

You will not regret purchasing this course! The Love Soaked Family Photography course has given me the tools to change my work in ways that I have been LONGING to see – FINALLY family sessions that I am GIDDY over!!

Brooke challenges you to dig DEEP into your story of family, and dig even further into HOW you are going to tell that story through images. WOW. I go into sessions feeling inspired, charged and EXCITED, to see what challenges and gifts each family has to offer and how I will use those to create beautiful images. Rather than falling back into safe poses and old habits I go into a session EAGER to try new things, see light differently, and get outside of my comfort zone to make ART!

Cannot say enough good things about this course.”






But Brooke what if I fall behind? I'm not sure I have time right now.

Is this for beginning family photographers or experienced photographers?

Is the course just for film photographers? I'm a digital photographer.

Total transparency: this course is NOT right for:

How long will this course take? When will I see results?​

So what'll it be?

Spinning your wheels wasting time and energy trying to get better with trial and error or piecing together ideas from a zillion places, 

Or fast track your artistic growth, save yourself from burnout, and get a plan for working with families that works EVERY time?


Love Soaked Family Photography


"If you want a framework for working with families and to keep pushing your creativity forward, this is an incredible workshop! Don't even hesitate to jump on it."


"I've taken online courses before only to feel like I wasn't able to really apply what I learned to my own business. I would come away with one or two tips and tricks, but didn't feel like it was worth the $. My husband was unemployed at the time and I was supporting our family of 7 solely on the money I made from photography...so investing money felt scary. It was so empowering to notice a difference in my work IMMEDIATELY. If you are willing to put in the work, this course will up level your business. Period."

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